G-1SJLJ Hi-tech Firm
Included in collections
- Collection Networks
- Order36
- Size0
- Minimum degree0
- Maximum degree28
- Diameter6
- Clique number5
- Connectedfalse
- Arcs147.0
- File size6
- Average degree8.1667
- Strong components7
- Weak components4
- Modes1
- Temporalfalse
- Multirelationalfalse
- Directeddirected
- Realtrue
- Genealogyfalse
- Multiple linesfalse
- Weightedfalse
- Minimum weight1.0
- Maximum weight1.0
- Loopsfalse
This network represents the friendship ties of 36 employees of a small hi-tech company.
The case is a small hi-tech computer firm which sells, installs, and maintains computer systems. The network contains the friendship ties among the employees, which were gathered by means of the question: Who do you consider to be a personal friend? Three employees (Fran, Quincy, and York) did not return the questionnaire. Note that most friendship nominations are reciprocated, but not all (112 out of 147). A friendship choice (arc) is only included in the network if both persons involved acknowledge it.
Network image:
- Original author: D. Krackhardt (Professor of Organizations, Heinz School of Public Policy and Management, Carnegie Mellon University, krack@andrew.cmu.edu)
- Data compiled into Pajek data files by W. de Nooy, 2001.
- D. Krackhardt's 'The ties that torture: Simmelian tie analysis in organizations' (Research in the Sociology of Organizations, 16 (1999), 183-210).
- W. de Nooy, A. Mrvar, & V. Batagelj, Exploratory Social Network Analysis with Pajek (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004), Chapter 7.