Site news
We are live!
15 May 2012
The first beta version of the Encyclopedia of Graphs has been introduced at the Seminar for Discrete Mathematics at the Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Mechanics in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Visitors and contributors welcome! GReGAS Atlas Team
New collections
22 Dec 2015
Greetings! We just finished adding 8 new collections of graphs that include Arc-transitive tetravalent graphs, Regular graphs, Trees, Vertex-transitive cubic graphs, Highly irregular graphs, Snarks, Cubic graphs, and Strongly regular graphs. Together these collections add more than 1.5 Million graphs and their properties to the Encyclopedia. So much so, that the searching has become a little slow and we have to think about optimizations in the future.
Happy new year!
1 Jan 2016
To start a New Year in fashion, we updated the "About" section and added a new section named "Sources" that lists different sites over the world, which are like us trying to provide you with new and fresh collections as well as software for your research.
New nauty
8 Mar 2016
We just found out that a new version of nauty (2.6r2) is available. Sparse6 format is now extended with "incremental sparse6", where only the difference from the previous graph is specified. There are also some new tools for generating trees, quartic graphs, heuristics for Hamiltonian cycles, etc. And finally, the maximum number of vertices is now 2 billion. Happy graph generation!
Networks added to the Encyclopedia
23 Jan 2017
Networks are applications of graphs to real-world systems where attributes are associated with the nodes and/or edges. Graphs can be used to model many types of relations and processes in physical, biological, social and information systems. The new Networks collection has 46 graphs (together with visualizations) that are used in research and for testing algorithms.
New collections added
22 Dec 2017
We just finished adding 6 new collections of graphs that include Vertex-critical graphs, Edge-critical graphs, Maximal triangle-free graphs, Planar graphs, Fullerenes and Class 2 graphs. Together these collections add more than a million graphs and their properties to the Encyclopedia. We also added 3 new network collections: Google Plus social circles, Facebook friends & Crypto-currency exchange volumes.
Nauty 2.7 beta
27 Sep 2018
A new beta version of nauty (2.7r2) is now available. Tools for counting graphs with specific properties now offer options for independent set size and clique size calculation. Also, generating graphs with more than 32 vertices is now supported (ugins the geng tool).
New collections added
28 Dec 2018
We just finished adding 8 new collections of graphs that include 2-arc-transitive tetravalent graphs, Chordal graphs, Hypohamiltonian graphs, cubic Hypohamiltonian graphs, Hypohamiltonian snarks, Eulerian graphs, perfect graphs, and self-complementary graphs. Together these collections add more than three million graphs and their properties to the Encyclopedia. We also added 2 new network collections: Countries of the world and 1000 popular IMDB movies, and updated Crypto-currency exchange volumes with data from 2018.
New collections added
26 Dec 2019
We just finished adding 6 new collections of graphs that include Arc-transitive graphs, Cographs, Edge-4-criticals graphs, and three families of Ramsey graphs: Ramsey(3,4) graphs, Ramsey(3,5) graphs and Ramsey(3,6) graphs. Together these collections add more than two million graphs and their properties to the Encyclopedia. We also updated Crypto-currency exchange volumes with data from 2019.
New collections added
16 Dec 2020
We just finished adding 4 new collections of graphs that include Edge-transitive graphs, Homeomorphically irreducible trees, Tetravalent graphs and Uniquely hamiltonian graphs. Together these collections add more than two million graphs and their properties to the Encyclopedia. We also updated Crypto-currency exchange volumes with data from 2020.
New collections added
24 Dec 2021
We just finished adding 3 new collections of graphs that include Polyhedral graphs, Perihamiltonian graphs and Minimal Cayley graphs. Together these collections add around 500 thousand graphs and their properties to the Encyclopedia.