G-1SJLY Undirected triad
Included in collections
- Collection Networks
- Order3
- Size3
- Minimum degree2
- Maximum degree2
- Diameter1
- Clique number7
- Connectedtrue
- Arcs0.0
- File size1
- Average degree2.0
- Strong components1
- Weak components1
- Modes1
- Temporalfalse
- Multirelationalfalse
- Directedundirected
- Realfalse
- Genealogyfalse
- Multiple linesfalse
- Weightedfalse
- Minimum weight1.0
- Maximum weight1.0
- Loopsfalse
This network is an example of a complete undirected triad with 3 vertices.
Here is an example of the directed triad network.
This network was created as an example for the book Exploratory Social Network Analysis with Pajek by its authors.
Network image:
- W. de Nooy, A. Mrvar, & V. Batagelj, Exploratory Social Network Analysis with Pajek (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004), Chapter 3.6 p74.