G-35N0C email-Eu-core
Included in collections
- Collection Networks
- Order1005
- Minimum degree1
- Maximum degree546
- Clique number18
- Connectedfalse
- Arcs25571.0
- File size229
- Average degree50.0
- Strong components203
- Weak components20
- Modes1
- Temporalfalse
- Multirelationalfalse
- DirectedDirected
- Realtrue
- Genealogyfalse
- Multiple linesfalse
- Weightedfalse
- Minimum weight1.0
- Maximum weight1.0
- Loopstrue
The network was generated using email data from a large European research institution. The authors have anonymized information about all incoming and outgoing email between members of the research institution. There is an edge (u, v) in the network if person u sent person v at least one email. The e-mails only represent communication between institution members (the core), and the dataset does not contain incoming messages from or outgoing messages to the rest of the world.
The dataset also contains "ground-truth" community memberships of the nodes. Each individual belongs to exactly one of 42 departments at the research institute.
This network represents the "core" of the email-EuAll network, which also contains links between members of the institution and people outside of the institution (although the node IDs are not the same).
Network image:
Original authors:- Hao Yin, Austin R. Benson, Jure Leskovec, and David F. Gleich. "Local Higher-order Graph Clustering." In Proceedings of the 23rd ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. 2017.
- J. Leskovec, J. Kleinberg and C. Faloutsos. Graph Evolution: Densification and Shrinking Diameters. ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data.(ACM TKDD), 1(1), 2007.