G-7JMZB IMDB_Animation
Included in collections
- Collection 1000 popular IMDB movies
- Order225
- Size196
- Minimum degree1
- Maximum degree4
- Diameter0
- Clique number2
- Connectedfalse
- Arcs0.0
- File size8
- Average degree1.74222
- Strong components34
- Weak components34
- Modes1
- Temporalfalse
- Multirelationalfalse
- DirectedUndirected
- Realtrue
- Genealogyfalse
- Multiple linesfalse
- Weightedfalse
- Minimum weight1.0
- Maximum weight1.0
- Loopsfalse
This is a network of animation movies from connected by the top four actors starring in each of them.
The network contains 49 animation movies and 176 actors. From the image of the network you can clearly see that the network is mostly separated, with at most five movies connected through their star actors.
Network image:
This network was generated from a Kaggle dataset created by the Kaggle user PromptCloud.